Humpback Whale Disentanglement – Fundraising Challenge!

Humpback Whale Disentanglement - Fundraising Challenge

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When Kingfisher started offering kayak tours eighteen years ago we considered ourselves fortunate to see one humpback whale a year. Since that time the humpback population has made a remarkable comeback and we now see humpback whales almost every day on our kayak tours off northern Vancouver Island. While their numbers have grown, they still face many threats and one of the most serious is getting entangled in fishing nets and gear. Entangled whales face the risk of drowning, losing the ability to feed, or getting infections as gear cuts into their flesh, all too often ending in death for the whale.

For the last three years our friends at the Marine Education and Research Society (MERS) have been present whenever possible when commercial fishing is taking place around Northeastern Vancouver Island – being a resource for fishermen / women and the whales in case entanglement takes place.

Humpback whales have become an integral part of our kayak tours and we support MERS’s work throughout the year. MERS is currently raising funds to expand their efforts to monitor whales around fishing gear so that professional disentanglement can take place when needed. The money raised will allow for more time on the water and for monitoring a larger area of BC’s coast.

Kingfisher is matching any donation to this worthy cause (to a maximum of $1000) for donations made from Wednesday April 13 to day’s end Sunday, April 17 (PST). Donate online. We hope you can donate a few dollars to this worthy cause.

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